Tuesday, September 9, 2008

heaven help me---

short version of the story:

munchkin started screaming all day for two days straight

took him to a new pediatrician

think he has reflux (makes them act like they have colic)

started zantac (yes, you can give a baby zantac)

next day like a new kid

sunday not so good

yesterday back to screaming

called doc now giving him a higher dose of zantac and i'm not eating dairy

had mental breakdown last night

today is questionable, quite fussy however he put himself to sleep and is sleeping without having to be held........

to be continued........

1 comment:

Alex & Willow's Mom aka: Laura said...

YOu have all my prayers - it's not easy having a baby, and definitely not easy when they scream non stop.. The nurses at the hospital called Willow the Screaming Banshee cuz she never stopped.

One day (probably closer to 6 months old) you will look back and this will all be a memory