Friday, August 14, 2009

in a weeks time....

its amazing how quickly kids grow and change, i know i know, blah blah blah cliche cliche but seriously!

since last week dane now:
go get the toy you tell him to grab
bring you books to read
is starting to use a spoon
gives you some of whatever he has
starting to actually play with toys and not just eat them (ie makes cars go!)
to attaching babblings to things
understands STOP!
can climb our sketchy stairs much to my dismay
step over stuff...

besides all the squishy stuff i have had a few hard costa rica days, i'm home sick.... i miss going to the store and being able to get wheat bread any day i want (went to three stores and couldn't find any), getting into my car and knowing everything is functioning, calling grammy and having her watch the baby for an hour to regain my sanity, not being afraid to go to the bathroom at night because i might find a giant cocroach climbing around, and things being easy and convenient. i miss my friends....... blah! this too shall pass

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